Saturday, January 2, 2010

Late ?

I know it's a little late
But I'm still gonna make my new year resolution
Actually the only thing that comes across my mind is

1. Talk less

That's all I need to do
I guess ...
maybe even

2. Listen to teacher teaching

I usually talk during that time or doodle
but Sometimes I just can't help it
Like when I almost fell asleep in ttn
cause there was air-cond
and teacher was explaining each chapter of "merdeka merdeka"
(There are 12 chapters)
Maybe I should also

3. Sleep earlier at night

so I can fell more refreshed to concentrate
but mostly I need to

4. Achieve straights 'A's in PMR this year

Wonder why must we sit for exam so often
Don't they know exams are stressful ?



p/s Thanks to Daryl for the advise on how to survive PMR